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1 jc717  Sun, Mar 6, 2011 3:07:55pm

Women make up slightly over 50% of the US population.
If women stop voting for the GOP then these problems will resolve themselves.

2 Charles Johnson  Sun, Mar 6, 2011 4:37:25pm


3 Four More Beers  Sun, Mar 6, 2011 6:38:50pm

From today's Houston Chronicle...

Your text to link...

4 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Mar 6, 2011 8:28:27pm

re: #1 jc717

Women make up slightly over 50% of the US population.
If women stop voting for the GOP then these problems will resolve themselves.

Women who vote GOP are either forced birthers (I will not call the pro-lifers anymore) who agree or are rich enough to feel they won't be affected. These laws hurt poor and middle income women the most and we all know the GOP doesn't give a shit about anybody who isn't in the top 2%.

5 HappyWarrior  Mon, Mar 7, 2011 10:56:21am

Really, they want to require an ultrasound even for rape victims. The woman's probably already going to be under a lot of stress as is after having been raped and they think this is a good idea. Perry should be focused on his state's fiscal problems. Oh wait, he's a a jackoff, he can't be bothered with that.

6 theheat  Tue, Mar 8, 2011 4:45:32am
GOP lawmakers around the country seem to be having a contest for who can write the law that most shames and degrades women who are seeking an abortion. The Texas GOP is a clear frontrunner.

For many years, I have seen how Texas legislation and lobbyists have affected the ag industry. It's a weird sort of John Wayne rah-rah dominionism, with a hard capitalist twist, flavored with a bit of scripture quoting when the occasion calls for it.

It isn't a leap as much as a lateral move, the same line of thinking applies to women: hard nosed, underhanded, cruel, and absolutist.

Sometimes I feel like I've been watching a DVD boxed set, and now I'm coming down to the last season's episodes. Everything in the previous episodes indicated this is exactly how it would play out. This isn't exactly a surprise ending.

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